wonderObject 🔗
A wonder object is a data type provided by the Test of Time Patch Project Lua Interpreter. It represents a Wonder of the World, both its entry in the rules.txt and also its characteristics within the game. Lua Function Reference
city 🔗
wonderObject.city --> cityObject|nil
(get/set) Returns the city that has built the wonder, nil
if not built yet or destroyed.
cost 🔗
wonderObject.cost --> integer
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the cost of the wonder.
destroy 🔗
(method) wonderObject:destroy()
Alias for civ.destroyWonder(wonder)
destroyed 🔗
wonderObject.destroyed --> boolean
(get) Returns whether or not the wonder is destroyed. Use wonder:destroy() to set this field.
expires 🔗
wonderObject.expires --> techObject|nil
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the tech that renders the wonder obsolete, or nil
if there isn’t any.
id 🔗
wonderObject.id --> integer
(get) Returns the id of the wonder.
name 🔗
wonderObject.name --> string
(get) Returns the name of the wonder.
prereq 🔗
wonderObject.prereq --> techObject
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the prerequisite technology of the wonder.