tribeObject 🔗

A tribe object is a data type provided by the Test of Time Patch Project Lua Interpreter. It represents a tribe, which is to say the characteristics of the tribe overall, in the game, and provides a means of interacting with it. Lua Function Reference

active 🔗 --> boolean

(get) Returns whether the tribe is active, i.e. a human or AI player in the current game.

adjective 🔗

tribeObject.adjective --> string

(get/set) Returns the adjectival form of the tribe’s name (e.g. “Roman”).

attitude 🔗

tribeObject.attitude --> integer

(get/set) Returns the tribe’s attitude to otherTribe.

betrayals 🔗

tribeObject.betrayals --> integer

(get/set) Returns the number of times the tribe has betrayed another tribe.

enableTechGroup 🔗

(method) tribeObject:enableTechGroup(techgroup: integer, value: 0|1|2)

Alias for civ.enableTechGroup(tribe, techgroup, value). Sets the value of tech group techgroup (0-7) to value value (0-2, 0 = can research, can own, 1 = can’t research, can own, 2 = can’t research, can’t own) for tribe.

@param techgroup — integer in [0,7]

    \| 0 -- can research, can own
    \| 1 -- can't research, can own
    \| 2 -- can't research, can't own

futureTechs 🔗

tribeObject.futureTechs --> integer

(get/set) Returns the number of future techs the tribe has researched.

giveTech 🔗

(method) tribeObject:giveTech(tech: techObject)

Alias for civ.giveTech(tribe, tech).

government 🔗

tribeObject.government --> integer

(get/set) Returns the government (0 - 6) of the tribe.

hasTech 🔗

(method) tribeObject:hasTech(tech: techObject)
  -> boolean: boolean

Alias for civ.hasTech(tribe, tech).

id 🔗 --> integer

(get) Returns the id of the tribe.

isHuman 🔗

tribeObject.isHuman --> boolean

(get/set) Returns whether the tribe is a/the human player.

kill 🔗

(method) tribeObject:kill()

Alias for civ.killTribe(tribe).

leader 🔗

tribeObject.leader --> leaderObject

(get) Returns the leader of the tribe.

money 🔗 --> integer

(get/set) Returns the amount of money/gold in the tribe’s treasury.

name 🔗 --> string

(get/set) Returns the name of the tribe (e.g. “Romans”).

numCities 🔗

tribeObject.numCities --> integer

(get) Returns the number of cities the tribe has.

numTechs 🔗

tribeObject.numTechs --> integer

(get) Returns the number of techs the tribe has.

numUnits 🔗

tribeObject.numUnits --> integer

(get) Returns the number of units the tribe has.

patience 🔗

tribeObject.patience --> integer

(get/set) Returns the tribe’s patience.

reputation 🔗

tribeObject.reputation --> integer

(get/set) Returns the tribe’s reputation with otherTribe.

researchCost 🔗

tribeObject.researchCost --> integer

(get) Returns the research cost of the tribe.

researchProgress 🔗

tribeObject.researchProgress --> integer

(get/set) Returns the progress towards the current research (range between 0 and tribe.researchCost).

researching 🔗

tribeObject.researching --> techObject|nil

(get/set) Returns the tech the tribe is currently researching, or nil if not researching anything.

scienceRate 🔗

tribeObject.scienceRate --> integer

(get) Returns the science rate of the tribe.

spaceship 🔗

tribeObject.spaceship --> spaceshipObject

(get) Returns the space ship object of the tribe.

takeTech 🔗

(method) tribeObject:takeTech(tech: techObject, collapse: boolean)

Alias for civ.takeTech(tribe, tech, collapse=false).

@param collapse — Default value is false.

taxRate 🔗

tribeObject.taxRate --> integer

(get) Returns the tax rate of the tribe.

treaties 🔗

tribeObject.treaties --> integer

(get/set) Returns the tribe’s treaties with otherTribe.