- totpp.mod
- totpp.movementMultipliers
- totpp.patches
- AITweaks
- AcivateUnitScrollbar
- AttacksPerTurn
- BuildTransporter
- CityPopulationLoss
- CitySprites
- CityUnitLimits
- CityView
- CityWinUnitDisband
- CityWinUnitSelect
- CityWorkingTiles
- CivilopediaWonderGraphics
- CombatAnimation
- Cosmic
- CustomModResources
- CustomResources
- DebugScripts
- DecreaseCPUUse
- DefenseBonus
- Difficulty
- DiplomacyScreenCrash
- DirectShowAudio
- DirectShowMusic
- DirectShowVideo
- DisabledButton
- EditTerrainKeys
- EndPlayerTurn
- EventHeap
- Fertility
- FixEditControl
- FixHostility
- GlobalWarming
- HealthBars
- ImpassableAir
- ImprovementFlags
- ImprovementIcons
- LWSettings
- Landmarks
- LuaScenario
- LuaScripting
- MajorObjective
- MapLayout
- ModifyReputation
- Mods
- MouseWheel
- MoveUnitEvent
- Movedebug
- MovementRate
- Mutex
- NativeTransport
- NavigableRivers
- NoCD
- NoLimits
- NoStackKills
- Overview
- PikemenFlag
- Playable
- ProductionCarryOver
- RRMultiplier
- Reporting
- ResetCityName
- ResourceAnimationLoop
- RoadTrade
- RushBuy
- SaveExt
- SettlerFlags
- ShieldColors
- ShipDisband
- StealTech
- TOTPPConfig
- TakeTechnology
- Techs
- TeleporterMapCheck
- TerrainOverlays
- TerrainTypes
- Throneroom
- TradeRevenue
- TransformCheck
- TransformTech
- UnitIndicators
- UnitOrientation
- Units
- ZoomLevel
- totpp.version
totpp 🔗
totpp.mod 🔗
premadeMap 🔗
totpp.mod.premadeMap --> boolean
(get) Returns true
if the game was started on a pre-made map, false
otherwise. Only valid right after starting a new game.
totpp.movementMultipliers 🔗
aggregate 🔗
totpp.movementMultipliers.aggregate --> integer
(get) Returns the aggregate movement multiplier (the lcm of the four multipliers above). This value is recalculated when setting any of the individual multipliers. This is an alias for civ.cosmic.roadMultiplier
alpine 🔗
totpp.movementMultipliers.alpine --> integer|nil
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the alpine movement multiplier if it is set, nil
railroad 🔗
totpp.movementMultipliers.railroad --> integer|nil
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the railroad movement multiplier if it is set, nil
river 🔗
totpp.movementMultipliers.river --> integer|nil
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the river movement multiplier if it is set, nil
road 🔗
totpp.movementMultipliers.road --> integer|nil
(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the road movement multiplier if it is set, nil
totpp.patches 🔗
AITweaks 🔗
totpp.patches.AITweaks --> boolean
AcivateUnitScrollbar 🔗
totpp.patches.AcivateUnitScrollbar --> boolean
AttacksPerTurn 🔗
totpp.patches.AttacksPerTurn --> boolean
Enables a new section in RULES.TXT, @ATTACKS.
The numbers in this section define the number of attacks per turn per unit type. The section itself consist of a list of numbers, 10 per line, corresponding in order to the entries in @UNITS. For the Original game, it would look like this:
1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 10, 8, 6,
14, 12, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 5, 5,
4, 3, 5, 5, 12, 16, 2, 3, 1, 2,
1, 1, 4, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
The number of attacks is limited by the movement rate, as each attack still costs 1 movement point.
The popup shown when a unit is out of attacks can be overridden in GAME.TXT using the key @ATTACKSPERTURN.
BuildTransporter 🔗
totpp.patches.BuildTransporter --> boolean
Makes the build transporter map dialog not select invalid maps as the default option, and also fixes the check for invalid art types.
CityPopulationLoss 🔗
totpp.patches.CityPopulationLoss --> boolean
CitySprites 🔗
totpp.patches.CitySprites --> boolean
CityUnitLimits 🔗
totpp.patches.CityUnitLimits --> boolean
CityView 🔗
totpp.patches.CityView --> boolean
CityWinUnitDisband 🔗
totpp.patches.CityWinUnitDisband --> boolean
Disables the “Disband” option in the city screen’s “Supported units” box for non-disbandable units.
CityWinUnitSelect 🔗
totpp.patches.CityWinUnitSelect --> boolean
CityWorkingTiles 🔗
totpp.patches.CityWorkingTiles --> boolean
CivilopediaWonderGraphics 🔗
totpp.patches.CivilopediaWonderGraphics --> boolean
CombatAnimation 🔗
totpp.patches.CombatAnimation --> boolean
Enables the 8-frame combat animation from Icons.bmp when animated units are disabled. For an example and placement see the 8 frames in Icons.gif in the ToT root folder, starting from coordinates (1, 356).
Cosmic 🔗
totpp.patches.Cosmic --> boolean
CustomModResources 🔗
totpp.patches.CustomModResources --> boolean
CustomResources 🔗
totpp.patches.CustomResources --> boolean
Adds support for maps with custom resource placement. Maps both with and without custom resources can be combined when loading maps in-game.
Saved games with custom-resource maps are incompatible with the vanilla game.
When loading a custom-resource map, the dialog that asks whether to randomize resources and huts will only randomize huts.
In cheat mode, custom resources can be enabled/disabled for a map by pressing Ctrl-F8. Subsequently, they can be placed on tiles with Ctrl-1 (resource #1) and Ctrl-2 (resource #2). Ctrl-0 removes a resource from a tile.
DebugScripts 🔗
totpp.patches.DebugScripts --> boolean
DecreaseCPUUse 🔗
totpp.patches.DecreaseCPUUse --> boolean
DefenseBonus 🔗
totpp.patches.DefenseBonus --> boolean
Difficulty 🔗
totpp.patches.Difficulty --> boolean
Fixes the crash for difficulty levels above Deity, and accepts an unlimited number of difficulties in the @DIFFICULTY section of RULES.TXT. In practice though, the limit is around 10, as very high levels will cause AI food / shield rows to go negative.
DiplomacyScreenCrash 🔗
totpp.patches.DiplomacyScreenCrash --> boolean
DirectShowAudio 🔗
totpp.patches.DirectShowAudio --> boolean
DirectShowMusic 🔗
totpp.patches.DirectShowMusic --> boolean
DirectShowVideo 🔗
totpp.patches.DirectShowVideo --> boolean
DisabledButton 🔗
totpp.patches.DisabledButton --> boolean
EditTerrainKeys 🔗
totpp.patches.EditTerrainKeys --> boolean
EndPlayerTurn 🔗
totpp.patches.EndPlayerTurn --> boolean
EventHeap 🔗
totpp.patches.EventHeap --> boolean
Fertility 🔗
totpp.patches.Fertility --> boolean
FixEditControl 🔗
totpp.patches.FixEditControl --> boolean
FixHostility 🔗
totpp.patches.FixHostility --> boolean
GlobalWarming 🔗
totpp.patches.GlobalWarming --> boolean
HealthBars 🔗
totpp.patches.HealthBars --> boolean
Allows hiding of unit health bars for specific unit types, by setting the 16th bit of the flags in @UNITS (i.e. by adding a 1 on the left).
ImpassableAir 🔗
totpp.patches.ImpassableAir --> boolean
ImprovementFlags 🔗
totpp.patches.ImprovementFlags --> boolean
ImprovementIcons 🔗
totpp.patches.ImprovementIcons --> boolean
LWSettings 🔗
totpp.patches.LWSettings --> boolean
Landmarks 🔗
totpp.patches.Landmarks --> boolean
LuaScenario 🔗
totpp.patches.LuaScenario --> boolean
LuaScripting 🔗
totpp.patches.LuaScripting --> boolean
MajorObjective 🔗
totpp.patches.MajorObjective --> boolean
Restores the x3 major objective for cities as in Fantastic Worlds.
MapLayout 🔗
totpp.patches.MapLayout --> boolean
ModifyReputation 🔗
totpp.patches.ModifyReputation --> boolean
Mods 🔗
totpp.patches.Mods --> boolean
MouseWheel 🔗
totpp.patches.MouseWheel --> boolean
MoveUnitEvent 🔗
totpp.patches.MoveUnitEvent --> boolean
Movedebug 🔗
totpp.patches.Movedebug --> boolean
MovementRate 🔗
totpp.patches.MovementRate --> boolean
Mutex 🔗
totpp.patches.Mutex --> boolean
NativeTransport 🔗
totpp.patches.NativeTransport --> boolean
Makes native transport respect “not allowed on map” settings from @UNITS_ADVANCED.
NavigableRivers 🔗
totpp.patches.NavigableRivers --> boolean
NoCD 🔗
totpp.patches.NoCD --> boolean
NoLimits 🔗
totpp.patches.NoLimits --> boolean
NoStackKills 🔗
totpp.patches.NoStackKills --> boolean
Overview 🔗
totpp.patches.Overview --> boolean
PikemenFlag 🔗
totpp.patches.PikemenFlag --> boolean
Playable 🔗
totpp.patches.Playable --> boolean
ProductionCarryOver 🔗
totpp.patches.ProductionCarryOver --> boolean
RRMultiplier 🔗
totpp.patches.RRMultiplier --> boolean
Reporting 🔗
totpp.patches.Reporting --> boolean
ResetCityName 🔗
totpp.patches.ResetCityName --> boolean
ResourceAnimationLoop 🔗
totpp.patches.ResourceAnimationLoop --> boolean
Fixes a bug where the last frame of a looping resource animation would be rendered even when animated resources were disabled.
RoadTrade 🔗
totpp.patches.RoadTrade --> boolean
RushBuy 🔗
totpp.patches.RushBuy --> boolean
SaveExt 🔗
totpp.patches.SaveExt --> boolean
Allows patches to store arbitrary data in the saved game file, by extending the format. Saved games with extensions are stored with version number ‘3’ (ToT 1.1 uses ‘2’), so they cannot be read by the vanilla game.
Purely infrastructural, this patch does not modify anything visible in the game by itself, but makes extension data available to other patches.
Technical details:
Extension information is stored towards the end of the file (right after the ‘Destroyed tribes’ block, but before multiplayer / event data).
The first 4 bytes are the number of extensions, followed by that many extension blocks.
An extension consists of 3 parts, length (4 bytes), extension name (4 bytes, ASCII), and extension data (‘length’ bytes).
SettlerFlags 🔗
totpp.patches.SettlerFlags --> boolean
ShieldColors 🔗
totpp.patches.ShieldColors --> boolean
ShipDisband 🔗
totpp.patches.ShipDisband --> boolean
StealTech 🔗
totpp.patches.StealTech --> boolean
Fixes the rule 2 restrictions in @LEADERS2 so that forbidden technologies cannot be stolen.
TOTPPConfig 🔗
totpp.patches.TOTPPConfig --> boolean
TakeTechnology 🔗
totpp.patches.TakeTechnology --> boolean
Techs 🔗
totpp.patches.Techs --> boolean
TeleporterMapCheck 🔗
totpp.patches.TeleporterMapCheck --> boolean
TerrainOverlays 🔗
totpp.patches.TerrainOverlays --> boolean
Enables custom overlays from TERRAIN2.bmp for arbitrary terrain types.
Overlays are configured with a new section @OVERLAYS in RULES.txt. This section consists of a list of terrain types followed by 3 numbers, e.g.:
Forest, 16, 32, 133
Hills, 16, 32, 297
Mountains, 16, 48, 199
Boreal Forest, 16, 48, 363
Jungle, 3, 48, 461
- For the terrain type you can either use its ordinal index (0-15), the abbreviation used in @TERRAIN (Drt, Pln, etc.), or the full name as in this example.
- The first number is the number of tiles to read, either 1, 3 or 16. When 16, tiles are read in 2 rows of 8, similar to the original overlays. When 1 or 3, tiles are read from a single row.
The use for the 3-tile overlay is to prevent the dithering used between different terrain types to render on top of the tile. These tiles correspond to the three tiles in TERRAIN1.bmp.
- The second number is the height of the tiles, 32, 48 or 64.
- The third number is the y-coordinate in TERRAIN2.bmp from where to start reading the tiles. The starting x-coordinate is always 1.
- Tiles are expected to be separated from each other by a one-pixel border.
- River tiles are always read from their original position of (1, 67). River mouths and coastal tiles shift down, they are read from right below the bottommost overlay.
- In the absence of an @OVERLAYS section, overlays are defined to correspond to a default TERRAIN2.bmp file.
- This patch replaces the mountain height patch, but respects the “MountainHeight” key in COSMIC2 for compatibility when no overlays are defined.
- @OVERLAYS1 .. @OVERLAYS3 can be used for secondary maps, similarly to @TERRAIN1-3.
TerrainTypes 🔗
totpp.patches.TerrainTypes --> boolean
Throneroom 🔗
totpp.patches.Throneroom --> boolean
Enables building of throne room improvements. This feature was never removed from ToT, just disabled. The patch also adds a new menu item to the game settings.
The associated key bindings are Shift-H to view the throne room, and Shift-Q as a unit order to build an improvement (cheat-mode only).
The text of the menu item (“Enable throne room.”) can be overridden by adding a line to @GAMEOPTIONS in GAME.TXT.
TradeRevenue 🔗
totpp.patches.TradeRevenue --> boolean
Enables the @COSMIC2 keys ‘TradeGoldMultiplier’, ‘TradeScienceMultiplier’ and ‘TradeWonderMultiplier’.
For the first two, their value is a percentage applied to the gold/science revenue when a trade route is created. So at 50, revenues are halved. For ‘TradeWonderMultiplier’ it’s a percentage of the cost of the trade unit that will be added to the wonder under construction, if the respective option is selected. Defaults to 100.
TransformCheck 🔗
totpp.patches.TransformCheck --> boolean
TransformTech 🔗
totpp.patches.TransformTech --> boolean
UnitIndicators 🔗
totpp.patches.UnitIndicators --> boolean
UnitOrientation 🔗
totpp.patches.UnitOrientation --> boolean
Units 🔗
totpp.patches.Units --> boolean
ZoomLevel 🔗
totpp.patches.ZoomLevel --> boolean
totpp.version 🔗
major 🔗
totpp.version.major --> integer
(get) Returns the major version of the TOTPP dll.
minor 🔗
totpp.version.minor --> integer
(get) Returns the minor version of the TOTPP dll.
patch 🔗
totpp.version.patch --> integer
(get) Returns the patch version of the TOTPP dll.