- addMultiLineTextToDialog
- addToArchive
- anglicise
- checkboxMenu
- convertTableToColumnText
- coordinates
- copyTableAsText
- deleteAIArchives
- displayAccumulatedMessages
- displayArchivedMessage
- displayNextOpportunity
- englishEquivalent
- getLinesPerWindow
- getShortVeteranTitle
- getVeteranTitle
- groupDigits
- i
- iLower
- iUpper
- initCap
- international
- isMenuRecord
- linkState
- lower
- lpad
- makeChooseNumberMenu
- makeReverseListNoGaps
- makeTableText
- menu
- money
- newMenuRecord
- niceList
- openArchive
- pad
- purgeArchive
- registerDictionary
- registerUnitsImage
- rpad
- setDigitGroupSeparator
- setImageTable
- setLinesPerWindow
- setMoney
- setShortVeteranTitle
- setVeteranTitle
- simple
- simpleTabTableToText
- simpleTabulation
- stateImageReference
- substitute
- tabulationMenu
- tabulationWithOptions
- toImage
- toStateImage
- unitTypeImage
- upper
text 🔗
The text module provides functions for displaying text boxes and menus. It also provides code for manipulating strings, though these are primarily useful to make messages that other functions in the module will display.
The Civfanatics users Knighttime and Pablostuka have contributed functionality to this module.
addMultiLineTextToDialog 🔗
function text.addMultiLineTextToDialog(string: string, dialog: dialogObject)
Adds some text to the dialog object, in such a way that the character sequence \n^ will cause a line break when the dialog is displayed.
addToArchive 🔗
function text.addToArchive(tribeID: integer|tribeObject, messageBody: string, messageTitle: string, archiveTitle: string, imageInfo?: string|table|imageObject)
Adds a message to a tribe’s archive
@param tribeID
— The tribe for whom the message should be added to the archive.
@param messageBody
— The message to be displayed in the archive.
@param messageTitle
— The title of the text box of the message.
@param archiveTitle
— The title of the message in the archive menu.
@param imageInfo
— The image to show in the text box. Defaults to not showing an image.
An imageInfo
is one of the following:
An imageObject
A table
such that the first 5 values (some of which can be nil) are valid arguments for civ.ui.loadImage
A string
that is the key corresponding to an imageObject
in the imageTable
registered by text.setImageTable
anglicise 🔗
function text.anglicise(str: any)
-> string
text.anglicise(string) –> string replaces international characters with English equivalents Intended for constructing object.lua file, but might have other uses
checkboxMenu 🔗
text.checkboxMenu --> function
convertTableToColumnText 🔗
text.convertTableToColumnText --> function
coordinates 🔗
text.coordinates --> function
copyTableAsText 🔗
text.copyTableAsText --> function
deleteAIArchives 🔗
function text.deleteAIArchives()
Deletes all messages saved in archives owned by AI Tribes
displayAccumulatedMessages 🔗
function text.displayAccumulatedMessages()
Displays to the current player all messages that were to be displayed at the next opportunity, then either archives or deletes the messages.
If the player is an AI, the messages will not be displayed, unless the broadcast parameter was true.
In the Lua Scenario Template, this is in the onCityProcessingComplete execution point, and the scenario designer should not need to call it.
displayArchivedMessage 🔗
text.displayArchivedMessage --> function
displayNextOpportunity 🔗
function text.displayNextOpportunity(tribes: integer|table<any, integer|tribeObject>|tribeObject, messageBody: string, messageTitle?: string, archiveTitle?: string, imageInfo?: string|table|imageObject, broadcast?: boolean)
Displays a message to a tribe or tribes at the next possible opportunity, either immediately (if the tribe is active), or during the onCityProcessingComplete execution point.
If an archive title is specified, the message will be added to the tribe’s archive after it is shown.
Note: For backwards compatibility, the order of the last two arguments can be reversed. The function will figure it out.
@param tribes
— The tribe or tribes to whom the message should be displayed. Integers reference the tribe’s ID.
@param messageBody
— The message to be displayed.
@param messageTitle
— The title of the text box of the message.
@param archiveTitle
— The title of the message in the archive menu. If nil, the message will not be added to the archive.
@param imageInfo
— The image to show in the text box. Defaults to not showing an image.
An imageInfo
is one of the following:
An imageObject
A table
such that the first 5 values (some of which can be nil) are valid arguments for civ.ui.loadImage
A string
that is the key corresponding to an imageObject
in the imageTable
registered by text.setImageTable
@param broadcast
— If true, the text box with the message will be displayed even if the tribe is controlled by an AI. If false or absent, it will only be displayed if the tribe is controlled by a human.
englishEquivalent 🔗
text.englishEquivalent --> table
getLinesPerWindow 🔗
function text.getLinesPerWindow()
-> integer
Returns the current setting for the number of lines per text box, which functions in this module use to determine when to break a message or menu into multiple text boxes.
getShortVeteranTitle 🔗
text.getShortVeteranTitle --> function
getVeteranTitle 🔗
text.getVeteranTitle --> function
groupDigits 🔗
text.groupDigits --> function
i 🔗
text.i --> function
iLower 🔗
text.iLower --> function
iUpper 🔗
text.iUpper --> function
initCap 🔗
text.initCap --> function
international 🔗 --> function
isMenuRecord 🔗
function text.isMenuRecord(item: any)
text.isMenuRecord(item) –> bool returns true if item is a menuRecord, and false otherwise
linkState 🔗
text.linkState --> function
lower 🔗
text.lower --> function
lpad 🔗
text.lpad --> function
makeChooseNumberMenu 🔗
function text.makeChooseNumberMenu(increments: any, extremes: any, selectionKey: any, nextMenu: any, goBackOptions: any, menuName: any, plusOptionWrapper: any, minusOptionWrapper: any, confirmOptionWrapper: any)
-> unknown
makeReverseListNoGaps 🔗
text.makeReverseListNoGaps --> function
makeTableText 🔗
text.makeTableText --> function
menu 🔗
function table<integer, string>, menuText: string, menuTitle?: string, canCancel?: boolean, imageInfo?: string|table|imageObject, dimensions?: { width: integer|nil, height: integer|nil }, menuPage?: integer)
-> choice: integer
2. menuPage: integer
This function displays a menu of options to the user, as defined by the menuTable. The user can choose one of the options, and may or may not be given the option to “cancel” as a choice. The function returns the index of the menuTable entry that was chosen, or 0 if the user cancels the menu. If the menu has multiple pages, the function returns the page where the choice was made.
@param menuTable
— A table of menu options. The keys are the numbers that will be returned when the option is chosen. The values are the text to display for each option.
@param menuText
— The text to display above the menu options.
@param menuTitle
— The title of the menu’s text box. Defaults to “”.
@param canCancel
— Whether or not the menu should have a “Cancel” option, which returns 0. Defaults to false.
@param dimensions
— The dimensions of the menu text box. If not specified, the game will choose.
@param menuPage
— The page of the menu to start on. Defaults to 1.
@return choice
— The index of the menuTable entry that was chosen.
@return menuPage
— The page of the menu where the choice was made. This could be useful if you want to be able to re-open the menu on the same page.
money 🔗 --> function
newMenuRecord 🔗
function text.newMenuRecord(specTable: any)
text.newMenuRecord(specTable) –> menuRecord converts a specification table for a menuRecord into a menuRecord
niceList 🔗
text.niceList --> function
openArchive 🔗
text.openArchive --> function
pad 🔗
text.pad --> function
purgeArchive 🔗
function text.purgeArchive(tribeOrID: integer|tribeObject)
Purges (deletes) all archived messages that have been marked for purging by the tribe.
@param tribeOrID
— The tribe or tribe ID for whom to purge the archive.
registerDictionary 🔗
function text.registerDictionary(dictionary: table)
Registers a ‘dictionary’ table with the text module. The dictionary table should have the following format:
dictionary[anyKey] = {singular=singularVersionOfWord, plural=pluralVersionOfWord, an=boolean}
an = true if it is ‘an singularVersionOfWord’ and false/nil if it is ‘a singularVersionOfWord’
The keys in the dictionary table do not matter.
The dictionary table is used to enhance the functionality of text.substitute.
@param dictionary
— A table with the above format
registerUnitsImage 🔗
function text.registerUnitsImage(filename: any)
text.registerUnitsImage(filename) registers the name of the units image file to be used for text.unitTypeImage
rpad 🔗
text.rpad --> function
setDigitGroupSeparator 🔗
text.setDigitGroupSeparator --> function
setImageTable 🔗
function text.setImageTable(table: table, tableName: string)
This function lets you specify a table that is being used to store
imageObjects. Some functions in this module will allow you to
specify an imageObject by providing a (string) table key.
This function specifies the table that will be used to look up
the image.
If you generate an object.lua file using the script included in the Lua Scenario Template, then the imageTable will be set to the object file.
@param table
— A table where images can be stored and looked up.
@param tableName
— A name for the table to use in error messages.
setLinesPerWindow 🔗
function text.setLinesPerWindow(numberOfLines: integer)
Set the number of lines per text box for some functions provided by this module (especially menus). By default, there is a setting in the configuration module that will allow the player to change this setting.
setMoney 🔗
text.setMoney --> function
setShortVeteranTitle 🔗
text.setShortVeteranTitle --> function
setVeteranTitle 🔗
text.setVeteranTitle --> function
simple 🔗
function text.simple(stringOrTable: string|string[], boxTitle?: string, imageInfo?: string|table|imageObject)
Shows a text box with the message and title, splitting into multiple text boxes if the string is very long. If a table of strings is input, each string is shown in order starting at tableOfStrings[1]. If an imageInfo is provided, the image is shown in the text box.
The function determines how many lines of text are in the
message by counting newline characters (note that newline
characters by themselves do not cause a line break in the
text box). If the message has too many lines, as determined
by the variable linesPerWindow
, then the message is split
at a newline character. (linesPerWindow
can be changed
using text.setLinesPerWindow – by default, the player can
change it using the configuration module.)
To create a line break in the text box, use the character sequence \n^ (newline, caret).
If you wish to break up a message into two text boxes at a particular point, use the sequence of characters ‘%PAGEBREAK’ (not including quote marks).
If you wish to center a line of text, use the sequence \n^^ (newline, caret, caret).
@param boxTitle
— The title for the text box. Defaults to “”
@param imageInfo
— The image to show in the text box. Defaults to not showing an image.
An imageInfo
is one of the following:
An imageObject
A table
such that the first 5 values (some of which can be nil) are valid arguments for civ.ui.loadImage
A string
that is the key corresponding to an imageObject
in the imageTable
registered by text.setImageTable
simpleTabTableToText 🔗
text.simpleTabTableToText --> function
simpleTabulation 🔗
text.simpleTabulation --> function
stateImageReference 🔗
text.stateImageReference --> function
substitute 🔗
function text.substitute(rawText: string, substitutionTable: table<integer, any>)
-> string
Substitutes values from the substitutionTable into the rawText, based on tags in the rawText.
@param substitutionTable
— the values associated with the keys 0-9 are eligible to be used for substitution.
tabulationMenu 🔗
text.tabulationMenu --> function
tabulationWithOptions 🔗
text.tabulationWithOptions --> function
toImage 🔗
function text.toImage(input: string|table|imageObject)
-> imageObject
Converts an imageInfo
to an imageObject
@param input
— An imageInfo
is one of the following:
An imageObject
A table
such that the first 5 values (some of which can be nil) are valid arguments for civ.ui.loadImage
A string
that is the key corresponding to an imageObject
in the imageTable
registered by text.setImageTable
toStateImage 🔗
function text.toStateImage(imageInfo: string|table|imageObject)
-> boolean|string|number|table<string|number, boolean|string|number|table>
Takes an imageInfo and returns a string or table that can be saved in the state table and used to recover the image later.
If the imageInfo is a table of arguments for civ.ui.loadImage, then the table is returned. An error is thrown if civ.ui.loadImage doesn’t return a valid imageObject when called with those arguments.
If the imageInfo is a string, then the string is returned if it is a key for an image in the imageTable
(registered by text.setImageTable
). An error is thrown if the string is not a key for an image in the imageTable
If the imageInfo is an imageObject, then the image is searched for in the imageTable
, and the key for that image is returned. If the image is not found in the imageTable
, then an error is thrown.
@param imageInfo
— An imageInfo
is one of the following:
An imageObject
A table
such that the first 5 values (some of which can be nil) are valid arguments for civ.ui.loadImage
A string
that is the key corresponding to an imageObject
in the imageTable
registered by text.setImageTable
unitTypeImage 🔗
function text.unitTypeImage(unitTypeOrID: any)
-> unknown
text.unitTypeImage(unitTypeOrID) –> imageObject provides the image of a unit, found in the file provided to text.registerUnitsImage, or nil if there is no image
upper 🔗
text.upper --> function