civ 🔗

The civ module provides functions which can interact directly with the game. It is always in scope, so you never need to use a require call in order to access it.

civ 🔗

addImprovement 🔗

function civ.addImprovement(city: cityObject, improvement: improvementObject)

Adds city improvement improvement to city city.

canEnter 🔗

function civ.canEnter(unitType: unitTypeObject, tile: tileObject)
  -> boolean: boolean

Returns true if the given unittype can enter tile tile, false otherwise.

captureCity 🔗

function civ.captureCity(city: cityObject, tribe: tribeObject)

Captures city city for tribe tribe.

createCity 🔗

function civ.createCity(tribe: tribeObject, tile: tileObject)
  -> city: cityObject|nil

Creates a city owned by tribe at the location given by tile. Returns nil if a city could not be created.

createUnit 🔗

function civ.createUnit(unitType: unitTypeObject, tribe: tribeObject, tile: tileObject)
  -> unit: unitObject

Creates a unit of type unittype, owned by tribe, at the location given by tile.

deleteCity 🔗

function civ.deleteCity(city: cityObject)

Deletes city city from the game.

deleteUnit 🔗

function civ.deleteUnit(unit: unitObject)

Deletes unit unit from the game. Consider unsing gen.defeatUnit, gen.killUnit, gen.deleteUnit, or gen.replaceUnit instead, for event integration.
Deprecation flag is only here so that designers see the above notice.

destroyWonder 🔗

function civ.destroyWonder(wonder: wonderObject)

Destroys wonder wonder, removing it from the game, and marking it as ‘lost’.

enableTechGroup 🔗

function civ.enableTechGroup(tribe: tribeObject, techgroup: integer, value: 0|1|2)

Sets the value of tech group techgroup (0-7) to value value (0-2, 0 = can research, can own, 1 = can’t research, can own, 2 = can’t research, can’t own) for tribe tribe.

@param techgroup — integer in [0,7]

    \| 0 -- can research, can own
    \| 1 -- can't research, can own
    \| 2 -- can't research, can't own

endGame 🔗

function civ.endGame(endscreens: boolean)

Ends the game. endscreens is a boolean that determines whether to show the powergraph and related screens.

@param endscreens — This argument is false by default.

getActiveUnit 🔗

function civ.getActiveUnit()
  -> unit: unitObject

Returns the currently active unit.

getAtlasDimensions 🔗

function civ.getAtlasDimensions()
  -> width: integer
  2. height: integer
  3. number_of_maps: integer

Returns three integers, the width and height of the map and the number of maps.

getBaseTerrain 🔗

function civ.getBaseTerrain(map: integer|mapObject, terrainId: integer)
  -> baseTerrain: baseTerrainObject

Returns the base terrain object for the given map and terrain type.

@param map — The map for the base terrain type we want, or its id.

@param terrainId — The id number of the base terrain type sought

getCity 🔗

function civ.getCity(id: integer)
  -> city: cityObject|nil

Returns the city with id id, or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getCommodity 🔗

function civ.getCommodity(id: integer)
  -> commodity: commodityObject|nil

Returns the commodity with id id (0-15 for regular commodities, -1 for food supplies), or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getCurrentTile 🔗

function civ.getCurrentTile()
  -> tile: tileObject

Returns the currently selected tile.

getCurrentTribe 🔗

function civ.getCurrentTribe()
  -> tribe: tribeObject

Returns the currently active tribe.

getGameYear 🔗

function civ.getGameYear()
  -> integer: integer

Returns the current game year.

getImprovement 🔗

function civ.getImprovement(id: integer)
  -> improvement: improvementObject|nil

Returns the improvement with id id (0-39), or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getMap 🔗

function civ.getMap(id: integer)
  -> map: mapObject|nil

Returns the map with id id (0-3) or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getMapDimensions 🔗

function civ.getMapDimensions()
  -> width: integer
  2. height: integer
  3. number_of_maps: integer

Alias for getAtlasDimensions. (deprecated since 0.16)

getOpenCity 🔗

function civ.getOpenCity()
  -> city: cityObject|nil

Returns the city currently opened in the city window, nil if the city window is closed.

getPlayerTribe 🔗

function civ.getPlayerTribe()
  -> tribe: tribeObject

Returns the player’s tribe.

getTech 🔗

function civ.getTech(id: integer)
  -> tech: techObject|nil

Returns the tech with id id (0-99), or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getTerrain 🔗

function civ.getTerrain(map: integer|mapObject, terrainId: integer, resource: 0|1|2)
  -> terrain: terrainObject

Returns the terrain object for the given map, terrain type and resource. Out of bound id’s cause errors.

@param map — The map for the terrain we want, or its id.

@param terrainId — The id number of the base terrain type sought.

    \| 0 -- no resource
    \| 1 -- fish resource
    \| 2 -- whales resource

getTile 🔗

function civ.getTile(x: integer, y: integer, z: integer)
  -> tile: tileObject|nil

Returns the tile with coordinates x, y, z, or nil if it doesn’t exist.

@param x — the ‘x’ coordinate of the tile

@param y — the ‘y’ coordinate of the tile

@param z — the ‘z’ coordinate of the tile ([0,3])

getToTDir 🔗

function civ.getToTDir()
  -> string

Returns the absolute path of the ToT installation directory.


getTribe 🔗

function civ.getTribe(id: integer)
  -> tribe: tribeObject|nil

Returns the tribe with id id (0-7), or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getTurn 🔗

function civ.getTurn()
  -> integer

Returns the current turn number.


getUnit 🔗

function civ.getUnit(id: integer)
  -> unit: unitObject|nil

Returns the unit with id id, or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getUnitType 🔗

function civ.getUnitType(id: integer)
  -> unitType: unitTypeObject|nil

Returns the unit type with id id, or nil if it doesn’t exist.

getWonder 🔗

function civ.getWonder(id: integer)
  -> wonder: wonderObject|nil

Returns the wonder with id id (0-27), or nil if it doesn’t exist.

giveTech 🔗

function civ.giveTech(tribe: tribeObject, tech: techObject)

Gives tech tech to tribe tribe.

hasImprovement 🔗

function civ.hasImprovement(city: cityObject, improvement: improvementObject)

Returns true if city city has improvement improvement, false otherwise.

hasTech 🔗

function civ.hasTech(tribe: tribeObject, tech: techObject)
  -> boolean

Returns true if tribe tribe has tech tech, false otherwise.


isBaseTerrain 🔗

function civ.isBaseTerrain(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a base terrain, false otherwise.


isCity 🔗

function civ.isCity(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a city, false otherwise.


isDialog 🔗

function civ.isDialog(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a dialog, false otherwise.


isImage 🔗

function civ.isImage(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is an image, false otherwise.


isImprovement 🔗

function civ.isImprovement(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a city improvement, false otherwise.


isLeader 🔗

function civ.isLeader(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a leader, false otherwise.


isMap 🔗

function civ.isMap(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a map, false otherwise.


isTech 🔗

function civ.isTech(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a tech, false otherwise.


isTerrain 🔗

function civ.isTerrain(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a terrain, false otherwise.


isTile 🔗

function civ.isTile(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a tile, false otherwise.


isTradeRoute 🔗

function civ.isTradeRoute(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a trade route, false otherwise.


isTribe 🔗

function civ.isTribe(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a tribe, false otherwise.


isUnit 🔗

function civ.isUnit(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a unit, false otherwise.


isUnitType 🔗

function civ.isUnitType(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a unit type, false otherwise.


isWonder 🔗

function civ.isWonder(object: any)
  -> boolean

Returns true if object is a wonder, false otherwise.


iterateCities 🔗

function civ.iterateCities()
  -> fun():cityObject

Returns an iterator yielding all cities in the game.


iterateUnits 🔗

function civ.iterateUnits()
  -> fun():unitObject

Returns an iterator yielding all units in the game.


killTribe 🔗

function civ.killTribe(tribe: tribeObject)

Removes tribe tribe from the game. All its cities and units are removed.

makeAggression 🔗

function civ.makeAggression(who: tribeObject, whom: tribeObject)

Cancels any peace treaties between tribe who and tribe whom, and make who declare war on whom.

@param who — The tribe declaring war.

@param whom — The tribe not declaring war.

playMusic 🔗

function civ.playMusic(trackOrFilename: string|integer)

Plays CD track trackNo, or with the DirectShow music patch enabled, play the file given by filename, where filename is relative to the ‘Music’ directory.

@param trackOrFilename — Track number of cd or filename of music.

playSound 🔗

function civ.playSound(filename: string)

Plays the sound file given by filename.

playVideo 🔗

function civ.playVideo(filename: string)

Plays the video file given by filename.

removeImprovement 🔗

function civ.removeImprovement(city: cityObject, improvement: improvementObject)

Removes city improvement improvement from city city.

sleep 🔗

function civ.sleep(milliseconds: integer)

Sleeps for the given number of milliseconds.

takeTech 🔗

function civ.takeTech(tribe: tribeObject, tech: techObject, collapse?: boolean)

Takes away tech tech from tribe tribe, the optional collapse parameter determines whether to take away all techs that have tech as a prerequisite somewhere up the tree.

@param collapse — false by default

teleportUnit 🔗

function civ.teleportUnit(unit: unitObject, tile: tileObject)

Teleports (i.e. moves at no cost) unit unit to tile tile. The unit is moved regardless of whether it is a valid location for the unit. To check this, see civ.canEnter and civlua.isValidUnitLocation.

civ.ui 🔗

centerView 🔗

function civ.ui.centerView(tile: tileObject)

Centers the map on the given tile.

createDialog 🔗

function civ.ui.createDialog()
  -> dialog: dialogObject

Creates and initializes a dialog. See the dialog section for more details.

loadImage 🔗

function civ.ui.loadImage(filename: string, x: integer, y: integer, width: integer, height: integer)
  -> image: imageObject

Loads an image (BMP or GIF) from filename. Optionally accepts x, y, width and height to load part of the image.

@param x — pixel (x,y) is the top left corner of sub image

@param y — pixel (x,y) is the top left corner of sub image

@param width — width of sub image

@param height — height of sub image

loadTerrain 🔗

function civ.ui.loadTerrain(map: integer|mapObject, filename1: string, filename2: string)

Replaces terrain graphics for map number map, loading graphics from filename1 (corresponding to “TERRAIN1.BMP”) and filename2 (corresponding to “TERRAIN2.BMP”)

redrawMap 🔗

function civ.ui.redrawMap()

Redraws the entire map.

redrawTile 🔗

function civ.ui.redrawTile(tile: tileObject)

Redraws the given tile.

setZoom 🔗

function civ.ui.setZoom(integer: integer)

Sets the zoom level (range from -7 (max zoom out) to 8 (max zoom in)).

text 🔗

function civ.ui.text(string: string, ...string)

Display a pop-up text box with the given string as text.

@param string — text to show in a text box

@param ... — more text

zoomIn 🔗

function civ.ui.zoomIn()

Zooms in on the map (increases zoom level by 1).

zoomOut 🔗

function civ.ui.zoomOut()

Zooms out of the map (decreases zoom level by 1).

civ.cosmic 🔗

communismPalaceDistance 🔗

civ.cosmic.communismPalaceDistance --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the distance from palace used in happiness calculations under Communism.

foodEaten 🔗

civ.cosmic.foodEaten --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the amount of food eaten by each citizen each turn.

foodRows 🔗

civ.cosmic.foodRows --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the number of rows in the food box.

goodieHutsMask 🔗

civ.cosmic.goodieHutsMask --> bitmask

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the bitmask for goodie huts.

helisPickupHuts 🔗

civ.cosmic.helisPickupHuts --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns whether helicopters (domain 1, range 0 units) pick up huts or not.

massThrustParadigm 🔗

civ.cosmic.massThrustParadigm --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the mass/thrust paradigm.

numberOfUnitTypes 🔗

civ.cosmic.numberOfUnitTypes --> integer

(get) Returns the number of unit types from the @COSMIC2 key of the same name.

paradropRange 🔗

civ.cosmic.paradropRange --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the maximum paradrop range.

penaltyBetrayal 🔗

civ.cosmic.penaltyBetrayal --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the penalty to the civilization score for each betrayal of another tribe.

prodChangePenalty 🔗

civ.cosmic.prodChangePenalty --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the shield penalty percentage for changing production types.

riotFactor 🔗

civ.cosmic.riotFactor --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the riot factor based on the number of cities.

roadMultiplier 🔗

civ.cosmic.roadMultiplier --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the road movement multiplier.

scienceLostFundamentalism 🔗

civ.cosmic.scienceLostFundamentalism --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the percentage of science lost under Fundamentalism.

scienceRateFundamentalism 🔗

civ.cosmic.scienceRateFundamentalism --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the maximum effective science rate under Fundamentalism.

scoreCentauri 🔗

civ.cosmic.scoreCentauri --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each landing on Alpha Centauri first. Multiplied by number of habitats and success probability.

scoreCitizen 🔗

civ.cosmic.scoreCitizen --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each citizen.

scoreFutureTech 🔗

civ.cosmic.scoreFutureTech --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each future technology researched.

scorePeace 🔗

civ.cosmic.scorePeace --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each turn of peace after turn 199.

scorePollution 🔗

civ.cosmic.scorePollution --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each extant non-AI controlled polluted tile. Normally a negative value, i.e. a penalty.

scoreUnitKilled 🔗

civ.cosmic.scoreUnitKilled --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each unit killed.

scoreWonder 🔗

civ.cosmic.scoreWonder --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the civilization score for each wonder.

settlersEatHigh 🔗

civ.cosmic.settlersEatHigh --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the amount of food eaten by settlers for governments ≥ Communism.

settlersEatLow 🔗

civ.cosmic.settlersEatLow --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the amount of food eaten by settlers for governments ≤ Monarchy.

shieldRows 🔗

civ.cosmic.shieldRows --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the number of rows in the shield box.

sizeAquaduct 🔗

civ.cosmic.sizeAquaduct --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the city size that cannot be exceeded without an Aquaduct.

sizeSewer 🔗

civ.cosmic.sizeSewer --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the city size that cannot be exceeded without a Sewer System.

sizeUnhappiness 🔗

civ.cosmic.sizeUnhappiness --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the city size at which the first unhappy citizen appears at Chieftain difficulty.

supportCommunism 🔗

civ.cosmic.supportCommunism --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the number of units that are free of support under Communism.

supportFundamentalism 🔗

civ.cosmic.supportFundamentalism --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the number of units that are free of support costs under Fundamentalism.

supportMonarchy 🔗

civ.cosmic.supportMonarchy --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the number of units that are free of support under Monarchy.

techParadigm 🔗

civ.cosmic.techParadigm --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the tech paradigm. Scenarios use civ.scen.params.techParadigm instead of this value.

transformBase 🔗

civ.cosmic.transformBase --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the base time needed for engineers to transform terrain.

triremeLost 🔗

civ.cosmic.triremeLost --> integer

(get/set - ephemeral) Returns the 1 in x chance of a trireme getting lost at sea. 🔗

activeTribes 🔗 --> bitmask

(get/set) Returns the active tribe mask.

barbarianActivity 🔗 --> integer

(get/set) Returns the level of barbarian activity.

difficulty 🔗 --> integer

(get/set) Returns the difficulty level.

gameYear 🔗 --> integer

(get/set) Returns the game year, or for scenarios with monthly increments, the number of months * 12.

humanPlayers 🔗 --> bitmask

(get/set) Returns the human players mask.

humanTribe 🔗 --> tribeObject

(get) Returns the last active human tribe.

peaceTurns 🔗 --> integer

(get/set) Returns the number of turns of peace.

revealMap 🔗 --> boolean

(get/set) Returns whether or not the full map is revealed.

turnsElapsed 🔗 --> integer

(get/set) Returns the number of turns elapsed. 🔗

flatWorld 🔗 --> boolean

(get/set) Returns true if the world map is flat, false otherwise.

civ.scen.params 🔗

decisiveDefeat 🔗

civ.scen.params.decisiveDefeat --> integer

(get/set) Number of objectives required for a decisive defeat.

decisiveVictory 🔗

civ.scen.params.decisiveVictory --> integer

(get/set) Number of objectives required for a decisive victory.

flags 🔗

civ.scen.params.flags --> bitmask

(get/set) Bitmask representing scenario flags:

00000000 00000001 Total war
00000000 00000010 Use objective victory
00000000 00000100 Count wonders as objectives
00000000 00001000 Reveal cities
00000000 00010000 No government change
00000000 00100000 No tech conquest
00000000 01000000 No pollution
00000000 10000000 Terrain animation lockout
00000001 00000000 Unit animation lockout
00000010 00000000 .SPR file override
10000000 00000000 WWII AI

marginalDefeat 🔗

civ.scen.params.marginalDefeat --> integer

(get/set) Number of objectives required for a marginal defeat.

marginalVictory 🔗

civ.scen.params.marginalVictory --> integer

(get/set) Number of objectives required for a marginal victory.

maxTurns 🔗

civ.scen.params.maxTurns --> integer

(get/set) Maximum number of turns before the scenario ends.

name 🔗 --> string

(get/set) The name of the scenario.

objectivesProtagonist 🔗

civ.scen.params.objectivesProtagonist --> tribeObject

(get/set) Returns the objectives protagonist.

startingYear 🔗

civ.scen.params.startingYear --> integer

(get) Returns the starting year of the scenario.

techParadigm 🔗

civ.scen.params.techParadigm --> integer

(get/set) Returns the tech paradigm used by the scenario. Non-scenario games use civ.cosmic.techParadigm instead of this value.

yearIncrement 🔗

civ.scen.params.yearIncrement --> integer

(get/set) Returns the year increment (number of years per turn). Negative for monthly increments.

civ.scen.compatibility 🔗

activateUnitEveryMove 🔗

civ.scen.compatibility.activateUnitEveryMove --> boolean

If set to true, onActivateUnit will re-trigger for every tile the active unit moves. Defaults to false, in which case onActivateUnit triggers only once. In the Lua Scenario Template, this is set to true in LuaParameterFiles\parameters.lua.

civ.scen 🔗

onActivateUnit 🔗

function civ.scen.onActivateUnit(code: fun(unit: unitObject, source: boolean, repeatMove: boolean))

Registers a function to be called every time a unit is activated. The callback takes the unit activated as a parameter, and the source of unit activation. source is true if activated by keyboard or mouse click, false if activated by the game itself. repeatMove is true if it’s a repeat activation caused by moving (see civ.scen.compatibility), false otherwise.

onBribeUnit 🔗

function civ.scen.onBribeUnit(code: fun(unit: unitObject, previousOwner: tribeObject))

Registers a function that is called when a unit is bribed successfully. unit.owner is the new owner at this point, previousOwner the old owner.

onCalculateCityYield 🔗

function civ.scen.onCalculateCityYield(code: fun(city: cityObject, food: integer, shields: integer, trade: integer):(foodChange: integer, shieldChangeBeforeWaste: integer, shieldChangeAfterWaste: integer, tradeChangeBeforeCor...(too long)...: integer))

Registers a function to be called every time a city calculates its total resource yield. Input is the city, and the food, shields and trade of its tiles. Returns a 5-tuple of modifiers, food change, shield change before waste, shield change after waste, trade change before corruption, trade change after corruption. These modifiers are applied at the following points in the calculation:
Calculate yield from all worked tiles
Run onCalculateCityYield
Add foodChange, shieldChangeBeforeWaste and tradeChangeBeforeCorruption
Add changes from food trade routes
Add shields from improvements
Calculate and subtract waste
Calculate corruption and add changes from commodity trade routes
Calculate corruption again (now using the value after trade routes) and subtract.
Add shieldChangeAfterWaste and tradeChangeAfterCorruption
Calculate Tax/Lux/Sci

onCanBuild 🔗

function civ.scen.onCanBuild(code: fun(defaultBuildFunction: fun(city: cityObject, item: improvementObject|unitTypeObject|wonderObject):(cityCanBuildItemByDefault: boolean, city: cityObject, item: improvementObject|...(too long)...: boolean))

Registers a function to be called every time a check is done whether a city can build something or not. It is called for all unit types, improvements and wonders. The first parameter of the callback is the default build function, as implemented by the game. It takes the city and item as parameters. You can call this to produce a result for cases you don’t need to handle yourself. item can be a unittype, improvement or wonder. Return true if city is allowed to produce item, false if not.

onCanFoundCity 🔗

function civ.scen.onCanFoundCity(code: fun(unit: unitObject, advancedTribe: boolean):boolean)

Registers a function that is called to determine if unit can found a city at the unit’s location. advancedTribe is true when picking up a hut with unit triggers an advanced tribe. Return true to allow, false to disallow.

onCentauriArrival 🔗

function civ.scen.onCentauriArrival(code: fun(tribe: tribeObject))

Registers a function that is called when a tribe’s spaceship reaches its target. Just registering this function causes the game to not end at this point (“endgame override”).

onChooseDefender 🔗

function civ.scen.onChooseDefender(code: fun(defaultFunction: fun(tile: tileObject, attacker: unitObject):(chosenUnit: unitObject), tile: tileObject, attacker: unitObject, isCombat: boolean):(chosenUnit: unitObject))

Registers a function that is called every time a unit is chosen to defend a tile. The first parameter is the default function as implemented by the game. It takes tile and attacker as parameters. You can call this to produce a result for cases you don’t need to handle yourself. The second parameter is the tile that’s being considered, the third is the attacking unit, and the fourth, isCombat, is a boolean that indicates if this invocation will be followed by combat. This function is also called by the AI to determine its goals, in which case isCombat is false.

onCityDestroyed 🔗

function civ.scen.onCityDestroyed(code: fun(city: cityObject))

Registers a function that is called when a city is destroyed.

onCityFounded 🔗

function civ.scen.onCityFounded(code: fun(city: cityObject)|fun(city: cityObject):fun())

Registers a function to be called every time a city is founded. The callback takes the city as a parameter, and can optionally return a function (since 0.18) that is called to perform cleanup when the user cancels founding the city.

onCityProcessingComplete 🔗

function civ.scen.onCityProcessingComplete(code: fun(turn: integer, tribe: tribeObject))

Registers a function that is called when a tribe’s cities have been processed for that turn. See onTurn for interaction with other “turn” triggers.

onCityProduction 🔗

function civ.scen.onCityProduction(code: fun(city: cityObject, prod: improvementObject|unitObject|wonderObject))

Registers a function that is called when a city completes its production order. The produced item prod is either a unit, improvement or wonder (this can be checked with the* functions).

onCityTaken 🔗

function civ.scen.onCityTaken(code: fun(city: cityObject, defender: tribeObject))

Registers a function that is called when a city is captured. city is the city changing hands, at this point city.owner is the new owner already. defender is the old owner.

onGameEnds 🔗

function civ.scen.onGameEnds(code: fun(reason: gameEndReasons):(gameIsOver: boolean))

Registers a function that is called when the game ends. reason is an integer between 1 and 6:
1 and 2 - Space race victory. This does not trigger if onCentauriArrival has a callback registered. 1 means victory by active player.
3 - Conquest victory
4 - Defeat
5 - Retirement
6 - Macro ENDGAME action
Return true to end the game, false to keep playing.

onGetFormattedDate 🔗

function civ.scen.onGetFormattedDate(code: fun(turn: integer, defaultDateString: string):(displayedDate: string))

Registers a function that is called when the game needs to get the date string for a given turn (e.g. “4000 B.C.” for turn 1). turn is the turn for which the date is requested (not always the current turn), and defaultDateString is the string as formatted by the game

onGetRushBuyCost 🔗

function civ.scen.onGetRushBuyCost(code: fun(city: cityObject, defaultCost: integer):(costToComplete: integer))

Registers a function that is called when calculating the cost to rush-buy a city’s current production. It takes the city and the cost as calculated by the game as parameters. Returns an integer representing the new costs.

onInitiateCombat 🔗

function civ.scen.onInitiateCombat(code: fun(attacker: unitObject, defender: unitObject, attackerDie: integer, attackerPower: integer, defenderDie: integer, defenderPower: integer, isSneakAttack: boolean):thread)

Registers a function to be called every time combat is initiated. The callback takes seven parameters, the attacker, the defender, attackerDie (‘die’ as in dice, the attacker’s chance to hit), attackerPower (attacker’s firepower), defenderDie, defenderPower and isSneakAttack. Returns a coroutine that yields every time it wants to process a round, and returns when it wants combat to end. Example:

civ.scen.onInitiateCombat(function (attacker, defender, attackerDie, attackerPower, defenderDie, defenderPower)
  print("Attacker's die: 1d" .. attackerDie .. ", firepower: " .. attackerPower)
  print("Defender's die: 1d" .. defenderDie .. ", firepower: " .. defenderPower)
  return coroutine.create(function ()
    local round = 0
    while (round < 5 and attacker.hitpoints >= 0 and defender.hitpoints >= 0) do
      print("Round " .. round)
      print(attacker, defender)
      if round % 2 == 0 then
        attacker.damage = attacker.damage + 2
        coroutine.yield(true, defender) -- either attacker or defender
        print("Attack bonus!")
        result = coroutine.yield(false, attackerDie * 2, attackerPower * 2)
        print(result.winner, result.attackerRoll, result.defenderRoll, result.reroll)
      round = round + 1
    print("End of combat")

This example shows how to limit combat to five rounds, damages the attacker on even rounds and doubles the attacker’s values on odd rounds.

If the coroutine yields true as its first value, the game’s default combat resolution is skipped for that round and the designer is responsible for updating damage. The second value yielded is either the attacker or the defender, this is used to render animations etc. In this case the coroutine resumes without any values.

If the coroutine yields false as its first value, the game runs its default combat algorithm. The designer can additionally yield modified values for attackerDie, attackerPower, defenderDie and defenderPower (in this order) which will be used by the game for that round. In this case the coroutine resumes with the result of the round, a table containing four values:

  • winner, this is either attacker or defender.
  • attackerRoll, the result of the attacker’s die roll
  • defenderRoll, the result of the defender’s die roll
  • reroll, true if a reroll happened.

This can happen only if the attacker is tribe 0, the defender is a unit guarding a city, and the city is the capital or the tribe has less than 8 cities in total and the attacker’s die roll is higher than the defender’s. A reroll can happen at most once.

onKeyPress 🔗

function civ.scen.onKeyPress(code: function)

Registers a function to be called every time a key is pressed.

@param code — (keyCode:integer)

onLoad 🔗

function civ.scen.onLoad(code: fun(savedData: string))

Registers a function that is called when the game is loaded.

onNegotiation 🔗

function civ.scen.onNegotiation(code: fun(talker: tribeObject, listener: tribeObject):(canTalk: boolean))

Registers a function that is called when two tribes attempt negotiations. talker is the tribe initiating the contact, listener the receiver. Return true to allow the negotiations to commence, false to deny.

onResolveCombat 🔗

function civ.scen.onResolveCombat(code: fun(defaultResolutionFunction: fun(defender: unitObject, attacker: unitObject):(combatContinues: boolean), defender: unitObject, attacker: unitObject):(combatContinues: boolean))

Registers a function to be called during every combat turn. The first parameter of the callback is the default resolution function, as implemented by the game. It takes the attacker and defender as parameters. You can call this to produce a result for cases you don’t need to handle yourself. Return true to continue combat, false to stop.

See onInitiateCombat for replacement.

onSave 🔗

function civ.scen.onSave(code: fun():(savedData: string))

Registers a function that is called when the game is saved.

onScenarioLoaded 🔗

function civ.scen.onScenarioLoaded(code: fun())

Registers a function that is called when the scenario is loaded. (This is whenever a game is loaded, not just when the scenario is started.)

onSchism 🔗

function civ.scen.onSchism(code: fun(tribe: tribeObject):(allowSchism: boolean))

Registers a function that is called when a schism is triggered. This happens when the capital of a AI-controlled tribe with more than four cities is captured, and, if the attacker is human-controlled, it is ranked lower in power than the defender. If the attacker is AI-controlled the best human tribe must be ranked lower than the defender for the schism to trigger. If the schism is allowed, a new tribe will be created that takes over about half the cities of the old tribe. If no new tribe can be created, the schism does not occur. Return true to allow the schism to happen, false to deny.

onSelectMusic 🔗

function civ.scen.onSelectMusic(code: fun(track: integer|nil):integer|nil)

Registers a function that is called when a new music track is to be played. track is either nil or an integer. If nil, the game wants to play a random track, if not nil it’s either due to the user choosing a track from the menu (first track has id 0), or the game playing one of it’s special tracks (“Funeral March” - track id 0, and “Ode to Joy” - track id 1). To handle special tracks, you can return nil to signal that the game should play the default track associated with that track id. If you want to handle this track id, call civ.playMusic (this will check the Music folder of the scenario first before falling back to the global Music folder) and return an integer, which is used to synchronize the track list in the menu. The track names can be added in @PICKMUSICTOT in Game.txt.

onTribeTurnBegin 🔗

function civ.scen.onTribeTurnBegin(code: fun(turn: integer, tribe: tribeObject))

Registers a function that is called at the start of a tribe’s turn. See onTurn for interaction with other “turn” triggers.

onTribeTurnEnd 🔗

function civ.scen.onTribeTurnEnd(code: fun(turn: integer, tribe: tribeObject))

Registers a function that is called at the end of a tribe’s turn. See onTurn for interaction with other “turn” triggers.

onTurn 🔗

function civ.scen.onTurn(code: fun(turn: integer))

Registers a function that is called at the start of a turn. The basic sequence of this and other “turn” triggers is as follows:
onTurn fires
Non-tribe-specific updates take place
onTribeTurnBegin fires for tribe 0.
Tribe 0 cities are processed.
onCityProcessingComplete fires for tribe 0 (this fires even when a tribe has no cities).
Tribe 0 units move
onTribeTurnEnd fires for tribe 0.
All active tribes are processed in order according to the sequence for tribe 0
onTribeTurnEnd fires for tribe 7.
onTurn fires for the next turn

onUnitKilled 🔗

function civ.scen.onUnitKilled(code: fun(loser: unitObject, winner: unitObject))

Registers a function that is called whenever a unit is killed. loser is the unit that is killed, winner is the unit responsible for it.

onUseNuclearWeapon 🔗

function civ.scen.onUseNuclearWeapon(code: fun(unit: unitObject, tile: tileObject):(attackProceeds: boolean))

Registers a function that is called when a nuclear weapon is used. This is also called when a spy plants a nuclear device in a city. unit is the weapon or the spy unit, tile is the location of the attack. Return false to abort the attack, true to proceed.